Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Anthiny's review Group: Ryan W. Nolan S. and Anthony S.

Final Reflection
During the time that I did this final I found that I there was a bad part about this final and a good part.  The bad part was shooting all those photos and messing up one picture and then, you had to restart the scene.  The good part was seeing the results of all the pictures.  There are some other bad and good things but, these were the main ones.
All the pictures you had to take made this a very long progress to finish but the outcome is phenomenal.  The long progress makes you get tired so that makes you mess up pictures so, you have to restart the scene because you don't know your last body placement.  So you end up restarting the whole scene over.  The ending of this final looked amazing even though 500-600 is only one minute long.  That one minute video look very professional except for all the extra camera movements.  Other than that the final was ok.

Messing up the long shoot time with all those pictures wasn't very pleasant.  But, the outcome of this final project overcomes the cons.  

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