Thursday, March 20, 2014

items still photo

  1. Disneyland pass *
  2. monarch sticker*
  3. French cologne*
  4. Rosary necklace*
  5. Quarter*
  6. First pair of glasses*
  7. Fortune cookie*
  8. Authentic stitched Blake Griffin Jersey= fabric*

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

shallow depth: 1/160 sec; f/3.5; ISO 1600
medium depth: 1/4 sec; f/22; ISO 1600
deep depth: 1/4 sec; f/22; ISO 1600

Friday, March 14, 2014

Unit 2: Persuasive Imagery Unit Question: Does seeing mean believing?
Significant Concepts:
  • How to deduce bias from contextual clues (both textually and visually)
  • How to analyse and explain the use of design elements in advertisement
  • How to infer and explain gaze position/demographic/target audiences of media
  • How to recognize and deconstruct semiotics within media/advertisements
Area of Interaction: Human Ingenuity (what are the positive and negative consequences of our creations)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014